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i am a digital artist with a passion for creating stunning 3D renders and animations. this site is dedicated to showcasing my digital art career and accomplishments. if you're a potential employer, you'll find a lot of what you need to know about me and my skills here.
a 2d start
i initially got into digital art in high school. i primarily made posters for my school's theatre program, most of which were for the improv team.
a different path
i studied 3d digital design for a year at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York before transferring to a business major back in California. i felt i could teach myself art just as well using the internet, for much cheaper. i haven't been proven wrong yet!
and now...
digital art is now one of my primary passions. i take on fairly large projects every so often—usually with the intent of learning a new skill or visually representing one of my favourite IPs—and post the results for the world to see and (hopefully) enjoy!
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